Thursday, March 23, 2017


It's Thursday night. I've just watched the final 5 seconds of the AZ Wildcats game and am reminded that I just have no interest in basketball of any kind.

I got my nose pierced on the 21st. Cost $30. Husband told me he wasn't happy about me getting it and I told him that he'd get used to it like he had all my other metal. Less than an hour later and I had a needle shoved through my septum followed by a piece of metal.
That night, I videochatted with my mom who was none too happy beforehand about me getting the piercing. She either didn't notice or refused to comment. 

3/22 was my birthday. I did nothing. I slept, I woke up. That was about it. At 6 PM, I had made reservations for 10 at BJ's Brewhouse. We all were there (which was nice) and though no one else commented on it, my little brother did. He'd been watching my Snapchat stories and little messages about wanting it done. He said it looked good. ^.^ 
I found myself being a little frustrated that, even if they didn't like it, they could at least acknowledge it. I recognize that this is part of me needing the validation of those around me and I also recognize that I love it. I think it looks damn adorable. And I need to understand that there are people in my life who will never support some of the things I do. That's not a reflection of me.

Today, I meditated because I couldn't sleep. I walked down a familiar cobblestone road, dressed in the yellow sundress of my dreams, feet in sandals. I walked and walked between the German-style architecture of the houses, until there were less houses and the people dwindled. I walked until I reached a curb, beyond which lay nothing but miles and miles and miles of field. I slipped my shoes off and stepped over the curb and began to walk, my feet comfortable in the green grass that always seems to grow there. 
Off in the distance, I saw it -- the weeping willow that had been there for as long as I'd been meditating there, and I quickened my pace as it became closer. The warm and gentle breeze blew through my dress, my hair, against my legs, and I felt at home in this spring clearing. When I arrived at the tree, under the thick foliage of the tree rested my big floppy hat and my copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. That's where I'm most peaceful - under that tree. Reading Harry Potter.

Where are you most peaceful?

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